Wednesday 19 October 2016


Everyone on this earth and if there's life in the planets beyond the earth,they too have dreams. Dreaming is a common thing to all. A dream brings a new hope and a freshness to our monotonous lives. Having hopes creates an interesting motivation to our lives. If not we'll be just like sticks submerged in mud, waving here and there without knowing what to do with our lives. 
In our childhood, we had answered the question, ' what's your dream /ambition? ', a thousand times and over. We may have probably answered that by saying, ' I want to be a doctor, engineer,lawyer,pilot....etc'. So there are lots and lots of people who have achieved their childhood dreams with great effort and courage. Some have given up in the middle and some haven't even tried. But in my opinion it is worth trying to achieve your dreams although we may not succeed in each and every dream. It is good to fight to achieve even single dream rather than having thousands of dreams which cannot be achieved. 
When we think of the dreams of people, they vary depending from situation to situation. People facing droughts dream to get even a single drop of water while some people waste galloons of water just for their entertainment. People facing scarcity of food dream to have even a single ' roti' while some people in another part of the world consume Ham,burgers.... everyday. Some people dream to buy vehicles and houses with a value of billion rupees while some people dream to earn 1000 rupees a day. Parents dream about their children. Also the aliens may be dreaming of conquering other planets. Animals may be dreaming of getting good care and affection. Preys may be dreaming of escaping from predators. Likewise everyone has various dreams. You can dream to any extent because it takes no money to dream and there is no prohibition for dreaming. The only thing you have to make sure is to succeed them without making them daydreams. So guys keep on dreaming and gather some happiness for free.
So let's DREAM, DREAM, DREAM......
- Menusha Harishchandra

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