Thursday 20 October 2016

I am personified.

Once upon a time, I think a few centuries ago, I was the most happiest person on this earth. I was the newest member of my family. I had everything with me; specially my family rising like a fortress around me. My grandparents, parents, siblings, relatives, cousins and even our neighbours were strongly bounded. We had no discrimination among us. We didn't care whether we were tall or short, fat or thin, and fair or black. I must say that those times were not so complicated just like today. Our lives were so simple and were flowing without any trouble.
There was a living species who thought they were mighty. But they also respected us and even worshipped us in divinity then, when compared to current situation of them. They have changed a lot with time and they have started to annihilate our species for their own selfish purposes. The only thing that haven't changed is the fact that we're their saviours. Still we are helping them forgetting their cruelty towards us. I'm very sad to say that they've forgot their roots. We've nothing to do for our survival. We can't fight back for our lives because we have no ability of doing that. We have to just want and watch what's going to happen to us. We're like blind, deaf and dumb people. 
Now my family is no more on this earth as they were used to be. Those cruel people have taken our innocent lives to make their lives comfortable. How rude is that!!!! They first started their annihilation from my grandparents. They cut them into pieces to makes beautiful houses. Then they cut my parents and relatives to make furniture and to protect from cold. My siblings were killed in vain saying that they have blocked the entrances to their houses. 
Now I'm the only one of my kind, standing alone, without any family, counting days to my death. Once my place was a heaven filled with all the prosperity. But now it's a hell filled with the grievances of my family. It's a desert now. I can see none of my species around me. The only thing I don't understand is why they destroy us when we help them so much for their survival with food, medicine, timber, shelter, clothes.... etc 
Although they are suffering from the consequences of destroying us, like droughts, instant climatic changes etc, they haven't stopped yet. Poor guys! They don't know that their will be no life without us on this earth. So this is the tragedy of my life. Have you even recognised me now?Hello guys I'm an aggrieving tree who have suffered a lot from the wickedness of the people. Why can't you think of me even once before beheading me. I'm also a living being although I can't move or can't speak. Those inabilities make me more miserable. But what can I do with that? That's your responsibility to take care of me considering of me even as a disabled person. Think for a bit about this. Think of me as a human being. When you are going to kill a human what that person will feel? Just like that I too have bad feelings for getting killed. 
Lovely people think once and please try to protect us.

- Menusha Harishchandra

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